Transport Management System (TMS) je napredni sistem za dinamičko rutiranje voznog parka na dnevnoj osnovi. TMS na osnovu podataka o klijentima koje treba obići i robe koju treba prevesti, kao i podataka o raspoloživom voznom parku, proračunava optimalni broj potrebnih vozila, redoslijed utovara robe po vozilima, kao i rute kretanja pojedinačnih vozila. Postoji mogućnost integracije sa WMS i ERP sistemima. Primjenom TMS sistema ostvaruju se ogromne uštede.
GPS Tracking System – sistem za daljinski nadzor i upravljanje voznim parkom je projekat koji koristi GPS i GPRS tehnologiju uz pomoc koje vršimo pracenje kretanja i lociranje vozila u stvarnom vremenu, naprednu analizu putanja kretanja i zaustavljanja, kao i razne vrste statistickih izvještaja. Sistem nudi SMS prozivku vozila u roamingu.
Nadzor goriva u rezervoaru je dodatak sistemu kojim se u značajnoj mjeri spriječavaju zlupotrebe.
Personal Tracking – GPS/GSM Handheld Locator is a satellite device with built-in mobile phone features and integrated GPS receiver. It’s designed for tracking and protecting individuals, vehicles, cargo, and assets. The GPS receiver can determine the device’s current location and send coordinates via SMS to another mobile phone or monitoring center. It can be used for locating and safeguarding people, children, vehicles, and cargo.
Enterprise Fleet Management System is an advanced system optimizing overall logistic processes, significantly rationalizing costs. It integrates TMS route optimization (delivery, commercial) and GPS monitoring, tracking, and process control from TMS optimization. The system is expert-based, basing calculations on the historical movement and behavior of the entire fleet.

About us
TIM System’s goal is the development, production, and implementation of software solutions primarily for mobile operations and protection using GPS and GSM technologies directly. With a skilled development team with over 10 years of experience, we guarantee high-quality solutions meeting all our users’ requirements.
TIM System’s software, utilized by over 250 companies in Bosnia and the region, includes GPS WEB application FMS for satellite vehicle monitoring and management, PANIC-ALARM application for panic situations, TMS Logistics Dynamic Transport Management System for fleet optimization, and GPS personal tracking for various purposes.
Basic capabilities of LD TMS system
- Optimization of cargo loading in transport
- Optimization of delivery routes
- Generating delivery schedules according to the optimal order of client visits
- Data import from WMS or other systems
- Displaying generated routes on a map
- Manual adjustment of the generated plan
- Utilization of advanced heuristics and algorithm combinations
Usage scenarios
- Confirmed orders as input data (list of clients, goods for delivery, dimensions of goods)
- Maintenance of available fleet list
- Dynamic client list with positions, delivery time windows, and suitable vehicle types
- LD TMS system generates “delivery schedules” based on this data (list of client visit order per necessary vehicles)
- Each delivery schedule can be displayed on a map in a print-friendly format, along with all accompanying documentation
Basic system capabilities
- Real-time vehicle position tracking
- Real-time monitoring of vehicle status and sensors
- Vehicle condition parameters: speed, ignition status, doors, trunk, RPM, fuel consumption, fuel level, voltage
- Unlimited review of routes, individual positions, and detailed vehicle status at each point in the past route
- Comparative analysis of movement routes of multiple vehicles and one vehicle at various time intervals
- Detailed analysis of route and stopping positions
Additional advantages
- Panic button alerting
- Automatic report sending via email
- Mobile platform application
- Movement and mileage report, vehicle speed analysis
- Analysis of field staff movements – visiting predetermined sales locations
- Fuel consumption analysis, analysis of fuel level changes in the tank
- Movement analysis in relation to defined routes
Fuel status monitoring
- Real-time fuel level recording in the tank
- Graph and report generation
- Efficient detection of sudden changes: refueling and draining
- Effective prevention of misuse through consumption control
The GPS/GSM Handheld Locator is a satellite device with built-in mobile phone features and an integrated GPS receiver. It’s designed for tracking and protecting individuals, vehicles, cargo, and assets. The satellite GPS/GSM handheld locator with state-of-the-art technical solutions and proprietary software can be used for various purposes such as tracking, locating, and protection.
The GPS receiver can determine the device’s current location and send coordinates via SMS to another mobile phone or monitoring center.
What is Enterprise FMS?
- “LD TMS” + “GPS Track” = “Enterprise FMS”
- TMS and GPS together form a package that optimizes logistic processes, controls the execution of plans and orders, and suggests corrective measures
- An addition to this system is advanced reporting and statistical analysis
- Capability to manage all vehicle fleet costs
- Maintenance record of the fleet (services, registrations, insurance, consumption, etc.)
- Service statistics
- Alerts about services and registrations based on mileage and time
Contact us
Send us a message:
Gatačka 13, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Contact numbers:
Tel: +387 33 777 700, +387 33 777 707
Fax: +387 33 777 703